Can We Tackle Climate Change Without Fixing Our Broken Food Systems? – Does COP29 hold the answer

Can We Tackle Climate Change Without Fixing Our Broken Food Systems? – Does COP29 hold the answer

We commissioned Marta Buczkowska to attend the food related sessions at COP29 and report back to us. Here is what she had to say which makes for an enlightening read.

Marta Buczkowska

Marta Buczkowska – Registered Dietitian

The main purpose of COP29

For the past 19 years, government representatives, scientists, activists, and members of the private and non-governmental sectors have convened annually at the United Nations (UN) Conference of the Parties (COP) to assess global progress in addressing climate change1. This year, COP29 took place in Baku, Azerbaijan, from November 11 to 21, with a spotlight on climate financing, climate mitigation and adaptation funds, and energy transition.

While last year’s COP28 placed a strong emphasis on agriculture, this year’s agenda—led by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)—continued to highlight the pivotal role of transforming agri-food systems in combating the consequences of climate change. FAO organized a series of panels over the two weeks, with November 19 officially designated as Food, Agriculture, and Water Day.

But has this year’s COP delivered meaningful progress for agri-food systems worldwide? What are the most significant takeaways from the perspectives of agriculture and health? And, most importantly, will we see an acceleration in the transition towards sustainable food systems any time soon?

In this blog, I’ll provide a summary of the key discussions and insights about food systems shared during COP29 in Baku.

What role does the food system play in climate change discussions?

The only way to reduce carbon emissions and restore nature on the path to limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius is to transform our agrifood systems” – the Director-General of FAO, QU Dongyu said in his opening remarks.

Even though the crucial role of agrifood systems in climate mitigation efforts is clear, this sector remains thoroughly underfunded. It is estimated that to meet the global net-zero targets, food systems would require even $1 trillion annually by 20302. However, currently, just over 4% of total climate finance is directed toward food systems. Of this, 65% is allocated to developed countries, while only 20% supports small-scale transformation projects in developing nations. Alarmingly, less than 1% reaches individual farmers3.

Why do developing countries need more money to better cope with climate change?

As highlighted at various panels, this trend needs to drastically change if we want to have a chance to meet the Paris Agreement declarations4 and keep the global temperature raise below 1.5*C. Small scale farmers in developing countries receive the least financing, while experiencing the most drastic consequences of climate change and more often than not, being among 730mln people facing hunger today. In 2023 extreme weather conditions, such as floods and draughts, were the primary reason for experiencing hunger in 18 countries – home to over 77m people – most of them in Africa and South East Asia5. Beyond reduced yields, climate change has been shown to negatively impact nutritional quality of staple crops across Africa and South East Asia – including rice, wheat, barley or potatoes6. Raising temperatures can compromise cows’ ability to produce milk7, while increased carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations and changing nitrogen and phosphorus balance may lead to a reduction in protein content by up to 10-15% and an increase in starches and free sugars8– negatively affecting already compromised food security across local communities. Increased financing is also desperately needed for innovation, better feed or animal vaccines. As discussed during the ‘Decarbonizing the Food Value Chains: Transformative Financing for Rice, Dairy & Beed Sectors to Reduce Methane’ session, currently, 80% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from dairy sector comes from emerging markets. However, most existing programs designed to reduce these emissions are not only costly but are often tailored specifically to the needs and conditions of developed countries, making them less accessible or effective for emerging markets.

As wisely highlighted by one of the panelists – we need to have two separate discussions about sustainable food transformation in developed and developing countries – as the challenges we face are completely different; from increasing food security and nutrient adequacy for people living in the global South, to limiting meat and dairy consumption and shifting towards alternative protein sources in the global North.

Tools to accelerate sustainable transition proposed at COP29

Some of the most discussed solutions included:

  • Digitalisation, such as using satellites, Artificial Intelligence- (AI) and machine learning-based solutions to better predict the weather conditions or measure soil quality.
  • Incentivising the production of more climate-resilient crops – such as genetically modified rice, beans and legumes resilient to changing phosphorus and nitrogen balance in the soil & fortification and biofortification of staple foods to increase their nutritional adequacy.
  • Including more plant-based and locally sourced foods in public procurement, such as school meals. Similar actions have already been taken both in higher- and lower-income countries – for example Brazil’s National School Feeding Program, requires 30% of its food procurement to be sourced from small, local farmers9, while Milan introduced green school canteen program prioritizing local and seasonal products and lower red meat consumption leading to a 43% reduction in CO2 emissions between 2015 and 202110-11
  • Cultivated meat – development of this sector could bring benefits far beyond reducing agricultural GHG emission, including jobs or new technologies that could be applied to developing vaccines or developing synthetic materials like bioplastic from cultivated meat by-products.
  • Voluntary carbon markets – markets where private actors (companies) buy and sell carbon credits that represent reduction or removals of GHG in the atmosphere12. In this context, it is the markets where companies invest in agrifood systems solutions – often based in developing countries – to offset their emissions. Although this method has the potential to drive innovation and profit, most of the money is invested in the export-oriented goods, such as almonds or pistachios rather than local staple foods like sorghum or millet, making it less profitable for local farmers to participate in such projects.

Although many panelists presented innovative solutions, some discussions were sadly very much focused on maintaining the current status quo. The panel titled Is Net-Zero food within reach? Tackling Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Livestock Production discussed ‘sustainable production intensification’ or using cow’s feed containing methane inhibitors to reduce livestock methane emissions in the developed countries. It did not mention the need to reduce meat and dairy consumption already thoroughly discussed in numerous esteemed publications worldwide13-14 – including in the British Dietetic Association’s One Blue Dot Reference Guide15.

Should the lack of discussions regarding limiting the consumption of animal-based products in favour of plant-based foods surprise us? At first glance – perhaps, but after looking closer at the COP attendee list, it becomes less shocking. According to The Guardian, more than 200 industrial farming lobbyist – including PepisiCo, Elanco or JBS – one of the biggest meat producers in the world, attended COP29. 40% of them travelled to Baku as part of countries’ delegations16 and presented among climate activists, scientists and world leaders. Their presence at the most important climate summit in the world raises significant concerns about the conflict of interest, as while studies unanimously conclude a drastic reduction in meat and dairy consumption in developed countries is desperately needed, the industry continues to lobby against tougher regulations and commitments.

Key COP29 outcomes

Throughout the last two weeks we have heard about a number of small to middle-scale agricultural projects introduced worldwide along with more and less innovative solutions to transform our food systems, but has COP29 brought about any specific commitments?

  • On November 19 Climate and Clean Air Coalition consisting of COP29 presidency and United Nations Environment Programme launched the Reducing Methane from Organic Waste Declaration17 building up on the Global Methane Pledge launched at COP26.The declaration has been signed by 30 member states – including the United Kingdom, who together represent 47% global methane emissions from organic waste18.
  • COP Presidency and FAO launched the Baku Harmoniya Climate Initiative for Farmers17 – a platform to empower farmers and local communities to introduce change and to help politicians identify opportunities for future policies. It also seeks to strengthen rural communities, with a particular focus on women empowerment. 

This year’s COP has shown us that hundreds of thousands of innovative projects are driving the transition toward more sustainable food systems worldwide. Yet, the greatest challenge lies in scaling these initiatives and ensuring they reach those who need them most. Achieving this requires significant financing and collaboration among diverse stakeholders – including farmers, politicians, local communities, scientists and activists, and the courage to confront powerful lobbying forces that continue to defend the status quo.

The question remains: will global leaders rise to the occasion, or will the opportunity to transform our food systems slip through our fingers? I guess we will learn the answer in the upcoming years. We’d love to hear your thoughts—what do you think needs to happen to drive meaningful change?


  1. United Nations Climate Change. Conference of the Parties (COP).
  2. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). COP29: FAO says agrifood systems transformation holds solutions for the climate crisis.–fao-says-agrifood-systems-transformation-holds-solutions-for-the-climate-crisis/en
  3. Barbara Buchner BN, Rajashree Padmanabhi, Sean Stout, Costanza Strinati, Dharshan Wignarajah, Gaoyi Miao, Jake Connolly and Nikita Marini. Global Landscape of Climate Finance 2023. Vol. 56. 2023.
  5. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Global Report on Food Crises: Acute hunger remains persistently high in 59 countries with 1 in 5 people assessed in need of critical urgent action.—acute-hunger-remains-persistently-high-in-59-countries-with-1-in-5-people-assessed-in-need-of-critical-urgent-action/en
  6. Victor Owino CK, Beatrice Ekesa, Megan E. Parker, Laina Ewoldt, Nanna Roos, Warren T. Lee, Daniel Tome. The impact of climate change on food systems, diet quality, nutrition, and health outcomes: A narrative review. Front Clim. 2022;4doi:
  7. Gauly M, Ammer S. Review: Challenges for dairy cow production systems arising from climate changes. Animal. 2020/01/01/ 2020;14:s196-s203. doi:
  8. Taub DR, Miller B, Allen H. Effects of elevated CO2 on the protein concentration of food crops: a meta-analysis. Global Change Biology. 2008;14(3):565-575. doi:
  9. Sidaner E, Balaban D, Burlandy L. The Brazilian school feeding programme: an example of an integrated programme in support of food and nutrition security. Public Health Nutr. Jun 2013;16(6):989-94. doi:10.1017/s1368980012005101
  10. SCHOOL MEALS – the transformative potential of urban food policies. 2024.
  11. Maryam Rezaei NM. Beyond nutrition: Can school feeding address climate and food system challenges? ODI Global2024.
  12. The Integrity Council of Voluntary Carbon Markets.
  13. Hedenus F, Wirsenius S, Johansson DJA. The importance of reduced meat and dairy consumption for meeting stringent climate change targets. Climatic Change. 2014/05/01 2014;124(1):79-91. doi:10.1007/s10584-014-1104-5
  14. Willett W, Rockström J, Loken B, et al. Food in the Anthropocene: the EAT&#x2013;<em>Lancet</em> Commission on healthy diets from sustainable food systems. The Lancet. 2019;393(10170):447-492. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(18)31788-4
  15. British Dietetic Association (BDA). One Blue Dot. Eating patterns for health and environmental sustainability. Vol. 92. 2020.
  16. Sherrington R. Hundreds of lobbyists for industrial farming attend Cop29 climate summit. The Guardian.
  17. Countries Representing Nearly 50% of Global Methane Emissions From Organic Waste Pledge to Reduce Emissions From Sector | Day Nine – Food, Water and Agriculture Day. 2024.
  18. Action on Climate Change. COP29 – Transforming Agri-Food Systems. 2024.



Change Begins!? That’s Labours theme but does this apply to food?

Change Begins!? That’s Labours theme but does this apply to food?

Food is on the agenda at a number of events at this year’s labour party conference. Here is one of them.

We took part in an event hosted by PLMR in association with the The Vegan Society – Let Food Be Thy Medicine. Tanya Haffner, our CEO and founder, felt honoured to share the stage with Anna Taylor, Executive Director, The Food Foundation, Claire Ogley, Head of Campaigns, Policy and Research, The Vegan Society, Dr Simon Opher, MP, Simon Darby, Head of Public Affairs, PLMR and Jim Bligh, Director of Corporate Affairs and Packaging, Food and Drink Federation.

So why should and how can the government take advantage of the opportunity presented by diet change to deliver a preventative health revolution?  Here are some of the highlights:

Why address the issue of diet change?

  • Health: Our nation is suffering and dying from preventable diseases where unhealthy diets post a greater risk to morbidity (years living with disability) and mortality than unsafe sex, alcohol, drug and tobacco use combined. The least deprived are the most disadvantaged.
  • Planet: At the same time the way we are eating is contributing to climate and ecological breakdown. Food is a major contributor and it is hardly recognised. It contributes to 1/3 of GHG emissions and is damaging all other planetary boundaries. The very systems we are using to nourish us are being damaged by our food system and as a consequence so too is our food security.
  • Economics: we have a sick workforce. 2.8 million people are economically inactive because of long term sickness: it’s not sustainable. Recommendations by Henry Dimbleby in the National Food Strategy proposed 2021 focused on 4 dietary shifts towards a more plant based diet ( 30% increase in Fruit and Veg, 50% increase in fibre, 25% reduction in HFSS foods, 30% reduction in meat). When modelled against the Global Burden of Disease data if achieved these would see a 10% reduction in deaths and Years Living with Disability related to dietary risk factors. Yet, successive governments have overlooked the transformative potential of promoting a shift towards healthier plant-based diets in favour of encouraging “personal responsibility” when it comes to diet.

What has the Vegan Society’s recent research shown about the scale of the possible opportunity by plant-based diets?

  • The vegan society’s recent research in partnership with the Office for Health Economics has for the first time put a figure on this opportunity cost and estimated that for every million people who take up a plant-based diet in England, this could unlock savings of £121 million for spending in our NHS from reduced spending on preventable diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. The scale of the opportunity is enormous. Link to the research is here

But are the benefits of healthy diets better understood than previously by health professionals?

  • Treatment focused care is excellent. But there are lost opportunities for identifying early development of disease and modifiable risk factors such as diet which could unburden the NHS disease care system.
  • Dietitians and nutritionists – plant-based sustainable diets knowledge and application is poor – training has only recently been added to pre-registration training. Yet, post registration dietitians are being called upon to help deliver on net zero targets are on catch up with knowledge confidence and application. MyNutriWeb training and tools supported by the British Dietetic Association and Association for Nutrition are helping to plug this gap. But dietitians and nutritionists often lack funding and time for training.
  • Doctors, nurses and other health professionals receive little training – doctors as little as 1 hr in medical schools and lack knowledge confidence and useful trusted tools to support recommend and sign post in first line treatment. A huge opportunity to catalyse change is being lost.
  • A joined up strategy to create a nourished healthcare culture that can help unburden the disease care system is needed which can include:
    • More social prescribing.
    • More dietitians.
    • An NHS prescribed personalised prevention opportunities linked into the NHS app using digital tech may help to revolutionise this kind of preventative care.
    • Plant-based by default strategies and campaigns such as those in New York City hospitals now being piloted in the UK can also contribute. A plant-based by default menu in healthcare is now being called upon by leading health professionals and organisations which outs plants first but doesn’t take away choice.
  • Nutrition societies and health professionals are working with and being influenced by the food industry – but higher standards are needed to align with healthy and sustainable diets and to avoid green and health washing seen in recent years.

What has industry been doing to drive health improvements and how can they further work with government?

  • Industry has focused and invested heavily in product reformulation and better labelling and will continue to do so.
  • A number of players are undertaking public reporting of healthy and unhealthy sales.
  • But industry needs more policy levers to create a level playing field for further change.

What policy changes will be needed by government, the health services, industry and individuals?

Many of the calls to action in the Food Foundations Election 24 Nourishing the Nation Manifesto were highlighted

  • Making healthy and sustainable food affordable
  • Stopping the junk food escalation
  • Investing in children diets
  • Making it easier to eat sustainably
  • Creating a food bill for England
  • Improving transparency by introducing mandatory public reporting by the food business
  • Investing in and supporting innovation and R&D across the food and agriculture sector

Improving transparency by introducing mandatory public reporting of advertising was also highlighted when a 1/3 of advertising spend on food and drink goes towards confectionary, snacks, desserts and soft drinks compared to just 1% on fruit and vegetables.

Why are policy makers reluctant to talk about diet, especially plant-based diets?

  • Subsidies that facilitate the production of cheap meat are not helping
  • Farmers are trapped in a system that drives this and need more support to deliver on food provision centered around horticulture
  • People need to be reassured and supported to transition and learn how to afford, access and go plant based

Embracing policy and funding action on diet change including the support for the NHS to be a champion of health, especially towards plant-based diets, is crucial for improving the nation’s health, protecting the planet, and strengthening the economy. What are your thoughts on the role of plant-based diets in creating a healthier future? Let us know in the comments below!

Rethinking plant-based alternatives to meat

Rethinking plant-based alternatives to meat

By Rebecca Tobi RNutr, Food Foundation

We caught up with Rebecca Tobi from the Food Foundation on one of their most recent reports, “Rethinking plant-based alternatives to meat” The bottom line is that grouping  plant-based alternatives into a single category is an unhelpful strategy for encouraging a shift away from meat and towards more plant-rich diets as it hides a wide variety of options with differing nutrition and health profiles within the plant-based alternative category. We asked her to summarise the findings in a bite-sized summary for our partners and followers and here is what she has kindly shared.

We are running out of time to hit the UK’s Net Zero goal. Unless emissions from the food system (and therefore livestock production and consumption) are reduced we will simply not be able to keep global warming within 1.5 degrees (Clark et al, 2020). Yet the question of how best to approach a reduction in meat consumption has led to fierce debate, with the discussion frequently politicised and polarised. While the environmental and health case for eating a more whole food plant-based diet  as a way to reduce meat consumption is clear, and the majority of plant-based alternatives have lower carbon footprints compared to meat, counter arguments frequently focus on the negative nutrition profiles of some meat alternatives and the level of processing required to produce them.

We wanted to explore the truth of some of these claims and explore which plant-based alternatives to meat are the best options for meeting health, environmental and affordability objectives.

In August 2024 we published our report, Rethinking plant-based alternatives to meat, analysing over 100 products including 68 different plant-based alternatives to compare and contrast how they perform compared to meat against a range of different indicators.

What we did

We looked at 104 products currently available for UK citizens to buy from supermarkets and categorised these into a taxonomy devised around three plant-based categories and a meat (red and white) category. The three plant-based categories were:

  1. Processed (new generation). This includes plant-based meat alternatives such as Beyond Meat, THIS branded products, Quorn, and Vivera that are more recent additions to the market. These are foods which aim to directly mimic equivalent meat products and are marketed as such
  2. Processed (traditional). This includes products such as tofu, tempeh and seitan which have a long culinary history in other parts of the world such as Southeast Asia
  3. Less processed plant alternatives. This includes beans, legumes and pulses (‘beans’), as well as grains, both of which are sources of protein. We included ready-to-eat and tinned products within this category given the role played by convenience in driving food choice

We focused on frequently eaten and purchased meat products with plant-based alternatives available to buy in the UK. The five most commonly consumed types of meat in the UK are chicken, chicken breast, sausages, bacon and beef steak, but given the lack of plant-based alternatives that directly replicate whole cuts of meat (e.g. roast chicken), we decided to focus our analysis on commonly eaten types of meat with close plant-based equivalents.

We aimed to select a range of different types of products (tinned, frozen and dried) and product formats (sausages, fillets, meatballs, etc) within each category for a range of different brands.

We then captured nutrient and price data in addition to carbon and water footprint information. We excluded dairy and dairy alts, nuts and seeds, mushrooms, and counted mycoprotein (a fungi) as a plant for the sake of simplicity.

Cultivated meat and insects were also excluded as they are not plant based and not (currently) available to buy in the UK.

Key takeaways

The vast majority of plant-based meat alternatives come with significantly reduced greenhouse gas emissions (GHGEs) and water footprints compared to meat, but the nutritional profile of plant-based alternatives varies depending on the product and level of processing.

Much greater nuance is needed when discussing the healthiness of plant-based meat alternatives. Grouping all plant-based alternatives into a single category is an unhelpful strategy for encouraging a shift away from meat and towards more plant-rich diets as it hides a wide variety of options with differing nutrition and health profiles within the plant-based alternative category.

We found that all four categories included some ultra processed products, with sausages, bacon and ham examples of UPF meats that are frequently eaten in the UK. However, the proportion of ultra processed foods (UPFs) within each plant-based meat alternative category analysed varies considerably, despite media and popular discourse often depicting all plant-based meat alternatives as being UPFs. The processed (new generation) category has the highest proportion of UPFs overall (100%) and almost twice as many UPFs as the processed (traditional) category (55.6%).

Price is a key driver of food choice, yet our analysis shows that there is a notable price premium for the two processed meat alternative categories compared to meat products. This is concerning given that these two categories offer products that aim to directly, or closely, mimic meat and can therefore more easily encourage the substitution of meat for plant-based products than unprocessed alternatives can. The processed (new generation) alternative category is 73% more expensive per 100g than the meat category while the processed (traditional) category is 38% more expensive.

Although research on the health outcomes associated with plant-based meat alternatives remains limited, our analysis does not find evidence that the nutritional profile of plant-based meat alternatives is on average notably worse than for meat products. All three plant-based meat alternative categories that we analysed contained fewer calories, lower levels of saturated fat, and higher levels of fibre on average compared to the meat products analysed.  More processed plant-based meat alternatives can therefore be a useful stepping stone for encouraging citizens to shift their diets, although less processed alternatives (beans and grains) offer the greatest number of co-benefits.

Less processed alternatives to meat (beans and grains) perform strongly on a number of different nutrition indicators, containing notably lower amounts of saturated fat, calories and salt and the highest amount of fibre per 100g of all categories compared to both meat and other plant-based meat alternatives. They are also the most affordable category per 100g ad per 100 calories.


Much greater nuance is needed when talking about plant-based meat alternatives. Beans were the meat alternative with the largest number of co-benefits for both health and the environment as well as being affordable. There is therefore a real opportunity in the UK to champion and better promote beans as an affordable, healthy and sustainable alternative to meat, and to try to better understand how best to increase uptake. They offer a win-win-win for environmental, health and equity outcomes!

To read the full report visit The Food Foundations website.

Eatwell Guide – New Rapid Review Published

Eatwell Guide – New Rapid Review Published

This month, we are pleased to see the publication of a paper that Nutrilicious were commissioned to create. While our nutrition and science team at Nutrilicious strongly believes that we must now update the Eatwell Guide we also believe that more focus must be given to communications of the Eatwell Guide. The new rapid review explores communications around food based dietary guidelines (FBDG), including the Eatwell Guide.  The paper has been published in the journal sustainability , authored by Amy E Culliford, Jane Bradbury and Elphee B. Medici. As a nutrition and sustainable diets communications consultant at Nutrilicious, Elphee was part of the core research team for this project.

Improving Communication of the UK Sustainable Healthy Dietary Guidelines the Eatwell Guide: A Rapid Review


In the UK, FBDG are reflected by the Eatwell Guide, developed by Public Health England (PHE), last updated in 2016. The Eatwell Guide replaced the Eatwell Plate and continues to define the government’s advice on a healthy balanced diet.  The visual guide provides a representation of healthy eating by splitting the food we eat into five food groups and shows how much an individual should eat from each group. The supporting guides that can be found on the government’s website include A colour Eatwell Guide PDF, Government dietary recommendations, The Eatwell Guide Booklet and A quick guide to the government’s healthy eating recommendations

Currently, only 0.1% of the UK population are meeting all nine recommendations provided by the Eatwell GuideImproving adherence is of upmost importance not only to improving health and reducing rates of non-communicable disease in the UK but also to supporting a reduction in the environmental impact of what we are eating, to help meet the UK’s targets in reducing greenhouse gas emissions (GHGe) by 68% by 2023, compared to 1990 levels.

The Findings

Key themes were pulled out as part of the review as being significant in effective communication of FBDG. The following five recommendations were made, with the aim of helping to improve adherence to the Eatwell Guide:

(1) Review of language and tone of nutrition and sustainability related messages

Short, simple, specific and easy to understand communications should be utilised, using an empathetic and empowering tone. Specific messages relating to sustainable diets should be recommended and incorporated into guidelines offering benefits for the people and the planet.

(2) Targeting of FBDG and communications to specific population segments

Communication needs to be tailored and appeal to different population groups including age, gender, cultural background and motivation style. Further research is warranted to explore factors which influence food choices within specific target population segments.

(3) Addressing barriers to and benefits of adopting the Eatwell Guide recommendations

Barriers need to be addressed to guide in effective communications. Barriers identified included taste preferences, cost, time and habits.

(4) Development of practical tools and resources to support implementation of the guidelines

Compared to other countries’ FBDG communication strategies, the UK is currently lacking in producing supporting resources to assist in the implementation of the Eatwell Guide. For example, portion size guidance for various population groups, healthier and tasty substitutions for unhealthy and/or unsustainable foods would be beneficial and also recipes and practical approaches to meeting FBDG.

(5) Leveraging social media and social marketing techniques to increase public engagement

Social media and the internet are a key target area to communicate to individuals.  The digital space should be utilised to form a key part of the Eatwell Guide communication strategy, alongside traditional media.

As can be seen, multiple elements need to be considered when communicating the Eatwell Guide to the public, health professionals and other stakeholders.

Moving On

The review provides such valuable lessons into the effective use of FBDG, including what has been working well globally. Research findings from this new rapid review can help to drive better and more effective communication strategies in order to promote sustainable healthy eating guidelines. Policy makers, the food industry and health professionals should use this to drive dietary behaviour change. The authors conclude that further research is needed in this area, with a particular focus on ‘research into the motivations, perceived barriers and preferred communication style for target population groups and a more detailed analysis of social marketing and industry strategies which could be adapted to promote sustainable healthy diets.’

“Healthy eating guidance including the Eatwell Guide need to be brought to life through a strategic and creative marketing strategy designed to resonate with different population groups and on a level similar to how food marketing is successfully done. Government needs to go beyond current guidelines and campaigns and embed this into an always-on public health strategy to make this happen. Those involved in such a strategy would benefit from the learnings in this paper” – Tanya Haffner, Registered Dietitian, CEO Nutrilicious

Is The Game Changers a meat industry breaker?

Is The Game Changers a meat industry breaker?

The Game Changers is causing a stir. The documentary by Academy Award-winning filmmaker Louie Psihoyos and James Cameron investigates plant-based eating, and features the likes of Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jackie Chan, Lewis Hamilton and Novak Djokovic.

If you haven’t seen it yet, it’s streaming on Netflix now and is essential viewing. Meat and dairy are painted as deadly, with vegan diets the only solution for optimal physical and environmental health. It presents the latest nutrition, health and environmental science in an enticing and motivational way ­– be it in an all or nothing manner.

So does the film put the final nail in the coffin for the meat and dairy industry?

Even if you are a sceptic about vegan diets and their nutritional quality, The Game Changers cannot be criticised for the scientific credibility of the health benefits of plant-based eating presented.

Some key myths debunked by The Game Changers:

  1. The label ‘complete protein’ attributed to meat is dated…why do both consumers and many health professionals hold onto this belief? The truth is:
    • All plants contain all essential amino acids, be it some at lower levels than meat protein.
    • Food combining at mealtimes is not needed. Protein balance is achieved over the course of the day and not dependent on the protein consumed in one sitting.
    • As long as individuals meet their energy requirements, a diet based purely on plant foods will achieve protein balance.
    • Vegans, like omnivores, exceed their protein requirements.

The Game Changers illustrates this point brilliantly by using elite power and endurance athletes following a vegan diet, whose performance has clearly not been compromised.

  1. The film demasculinises meat by showing high-profile elite male strength and endurance athletes excelling on a plant-based diet.
  1. Iron and vitamin B12 deficiency is not a consequence of meat and dairy avoidance but a result of our current poor quality dietary and farming practices.
  1. Epidemiological studies have consistently demonstrated better health outcomes in individuals following more plant-based diets: heart health, cancer, diabetes, body weight.
  1. Soya does not feminise men, nor does it reduce testosterone levels. This has been a long-held misconception based on theoretical risk and animal studies using pure isoflavones or exceptionally high loads of soya feed. All human studies using soya foods and drinks have consistently demonstrated no risk to human health and in many cases improved health outcomes.
  1. And of course, sustainability. The leading scientists from the EAT forum, including Dr Rockstrom, Dr Tim Lang and Prof Walter Willet discuss the overwhelming evidence that animal farming is the leading cause of deforestation, biodiversity loss, water and soil pollution, carbon emissions and the biggest user of fresh water and land.

This is not new scientific thinking. The key facts from The Game Changers have been repeatedly demonstrated by the scientific literature from randomised controlled or epidemiological studies, meta-analyses and systematic reviews. At Nutrilicious, we’ve been championing sustainable plant-based eating amongst health professionals, organisations and brands as a core mission since our foundation.

We’re thrilled to see this reach the mass consumer. The Game Changers have presented the science in such a refreshing, convincing and inspirational way which will have significant influence on consumer perceptions and acceptance of plant-based eating – something the scientific community has been struggling to achieve despite the plethora of scientific research published.each the mass consumer.

What about the criticisms that have ensued since its release?

There will always be criticism when a seemingly radical change to day-to-day food systems is proposed, especially when one of the biggest food industries is the target – meat and dairy. Most of the critics of The Game Changers have unfortunately fallen in the common trap of using dated and poorly designed scientific studies for their counterarguments.

Some have commented that The Game Changers only reports on elite athletes and the benefits of plant-based diets cannot be extrapolated to every-day consumers.
The film’s key aim is to remove the long-held belief that removing meat and dairy from the diet will compromise protein quality and quantity, and be unable to meet other essential nutritional needs. If elite athletes’ performance can excel by switching to a vegan diet for many years, we have proof that the nutritional quality of the diet is not compromised – even in individuals with exceptionally high-quality nutritional demands.

What about other athletic performance factors such as sleep, recovery, training programme etc., not discussed by the documentary?
Firstly, The Game Changers does not set out to claim that if all consumers followed a vegan diet they can become elite athletes. Secondly, the athletes in the documentary have always followed a highly-regimented training programme and have only altered one factor – their diet, with a switch to veganism. This is an excellent group of individuals to demonstrate how changing one factor in their regimented programme does not compromise performance.

However, what The Game Changers does fail to do is bring a practical, balanced approach to how the public can change their dietary habits.

  1. As Arnold Schwarzenegger comments near the end of the documentary (we too are shocked that we are quoting Arnie!), telling individuals that they have to stop eating meat isn’t going to bring about change. We need to bring the public on board, gradually advising on small realistic achievable goals.
  1. The film lacks any practical advice on how someone can progress to a more plant-based diet in a balanced and healthy way. Advising consumers to drop key food groups is not the solution. The public needs to be guided on which foods to consume and in the right quantities.

We need to bring to life what the scientific evidence demonstrates to be a healthy ‘plant-based’ diet i.e. more fruit and vegetables, wholegrains, beans, pulses, seeds and nuts. The foods and meals served on the documentary are, in the main, highly-processed plant imitations of meat and dairy, and salads were drenched in high calorie ‘vegan’ dressings. This has to be a big watch out for retailers and food manufacturers developing and launching new plant-based foods.

Additionally, portions sizes are extremely ‘American’ (aka large), which will do little to thwart our obesity epidemic. While that may be fine for elite athletes who burn it off, it’s not so good for the average person.

  1. It neglects to acknowledge that most national dietary guidelines globally do focus on a more plant-based healthy and environmentally sustainable diet.
  1. ‘Vegan’ in itself is not the answer – someone consuming processed carbohydrates, fried and highly processed vegan foods, vegan chocolates and biscuits will do little to improve physical or environmental health.
  1. Finally, The Game Changers doesn’t tackle behaviour change and the importance of changing the food environment consumers live in. As the latest evidence clearly demonstrates, individual responsibility will have little, if any, impact on public health outcomes. A significantly bigger role needs to be played by all food providers.

Would we have done it differently?

In the main, this is an exceptional documentary presenting the latest scientific thinking and debunking the myths associated with plant-based diets in such a consumer inspiring and appealing way.

We need to shift consumers to a more plant-based dietary pattern – though not necessarily vegan, which is neither realistic or practical for the masses. Removing misconceptions and popularising a diet predominantly based on plant foods with just a garnish of meat and dairy is a win-win for both human and environmental health.

Our Nutrilicious tweaks would be:

  • Provide more practical, how-to solutions focusing on which foods you can have, rather than which foods to avoid. Step-by-step guide to gradually including more plant foods whilst reducing animal foods.
  • Rather than meat and dairy imitations, bring the focus on the versatility of natural plants such as beans, pulses, wholegrains, nuts, seeds and fruit and vegetables.
  • Focus more on the food providers and marketeers and the drastic changes they need to make.
  • As always in winning comms…lead with the creative ‘inspirational’ yet credible marketing spin!

Check out our related webinars:

NutriWebinar: Plant Food Source of Protein

NutriWebinar: Sustainable Diets 1 – BDA One Blue Dot

NutriWebinar: Sustainable Diets 2 – EAT Lancet



Will SACN report put an end to the saturated fat debate?

Will SACN report put an end to the saturated fat debate?

At long last, the Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (SACN) report on saturated fats and health was published this month. The conclusion? Nothing new: saturated fat leads to heart disease and we should limit it to 10% of our calorie intake. So will it finally put an end to the irresponsible advice that abounds suggesting saturated fat isn’t so bad for you?

It’s taken over a year from the draft report to final version because of the number of comments, criticisms and questions as to why certain studies were or weren’t included as part of the overall evidence into sat fats.

The SACN committee has investigated and answered each one, including only the highest quality evidence available. The studies that came to the wrong conclusions about saturated fat were shown to be flawed.

They’re open about certain limitations to the evidence: for example, whether replacing saturated fat intake with carbohydrate can be beneficial. None of the studies look specifically at ‘good’ carbs (for example wholegrain cereals), just at carbs overall. Further research still needs to be done into this.

But the overall conclusion was inescapable: to reduce cardiovascular disease we should lower our intake of saturated fat.

So will high profile influencers like Dr Michael Mosley or Joe Wicks take note and stop promoting ingredients like coconut oil, which is shown to have higher saturated fat than butter and lard?

Sadly, we think it’s unlikely. For one reason or another they seem to have too much invested in it.

But if you’re reading this and feel as strongly as we do about the need to stop the irresponsible advice, join us in canvassing the influencers to open their eyes to the dangers of what they’re suggesting – rather than just thinking about their commercial interests or looking for the next great headline. #saynotosatfat

Go to the British Nutrition Foundation website for a summary of the SACN report findings



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