
We are passionate about all things nutrition and health from farm to fork. In our blog below you’ll find some thoughts, news and reports from our team and specialist network. Each focuses on a hot topic in the food nutrition and health environment. Enjoy and please do share the love, comment or give us the thumbs up if you found useful.

Introducing a New Nutrition Training Resource

Introducing a New Nutrition Training Resource

Informed employees empowered with the latest research and thinking in nutrition and health are the greatest asset of any food- or health-based organisation. Ensuring your teams have regular opportunities to expand and deepen their knowledge is critical to safe,...

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The Future of Plant-Based

The Future of Plant-Based

    By Amy Culliford It’s been over a decade since the Food and Agriculture Organisation defined the term “sustainable diets”. Since then, many scientific publications and reports by international organisations have stressed the significant environmental and...

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Eatwell Guide – New Rapid Review Published

Eatwell Guide – New Rapid Review Published

This month, we are pleased to see the publication of a paper that Nutrilicious were commissioned to create. While our nutrition and science team at Nutrilicious strongly believes that we must now update the Eatwell Guide we also believe that more focus must be given...

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Is The Game Changers a meat industry breaker?

Is The Game Changers a meat industry breaker?

The Game Changers is causing a stir. The documentary by Academy Award-winning filmmaker Louie Psihoyos and James Cameron investigates plant-based eating, and features the likes of Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jackie Chan, Lewis Hamilton and Novak Djokovic. If you haven’t...

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Food choices for diabetes

Food choices for diabetes

When it comes to food choices, what should we be advising those suffering from type 2 diabetes to help them manage weight and glucose?

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Will SACN report put an end to the saturated fat debate?

Will SACN report put an end to the saturated fat debate?

At long last, the Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (SACN) report on saturated fats and health was published this month. Will it finally put an end to the irresponsible advice that abounds suggesting saturated fat isn’t so bad for you?

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