
We are passionate about all things nutrition and health from farm to fork. In our blog below you’ll find some thoughts, news and reports from our team and specialist network. Each focuses on a hot topic in the food nutrition and health environment. Enjoy and please do share the love, comment or give us the thumbs up if you found useful.

My first SMART SHOP ever!

My first SMART SHOP ever!

My first SMART SHOP 🛒 ever! A taste of the future of grocery shopping! 🍏 🍊 🥛 Have you experienced it yet? If so how was it? This is my short story....May 2019! “I can do this”...I told myself as I hear my forever forward thinking...

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EAT-Lancet recommendations for health and planet

EAT-Lancet recommendations for health and planet

“The world’s diets must change dramatically,” said Harvard University’s Walter Willett, one of the leaders of the comprehensive EAT-Lancet report released this week researching healthy and sustainable diet.

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All disease begins in the gut

All disease begins in the gut

As Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, said more than 2,000 years ago, ‘All disease begins in the gut’. And modern science is proving it as true today as it was then.

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