Introducing a New Nutrition Training Resource

Introducing a New Nutrition Training Resource

Informed employees empowered with the latest research and thinking in nutrition and health are the greatest asset of any food- or health-based organisation. Ensuring your teams have regular opportunities to expand and deepen their knowledge is critical to safe, effective and compliant practice. And of course it clearly demonstrates an employer’s commitment to its workforce.

Short-form courses for employees

Our sector is fortunate in having a wide range of learning resources, ranging from one-off webinars to longer-form training, but it isn’t always easy to identify which your organisation and employees will benefit most from.

For the last year Nutrilicious has been proud to partner MyNutriCourses – a programme of short, online courses designed to provide professional development learning opportunities at individuals’ own pace, in current, relevant topics.

Developed by MyNutriWeb, the team behind award-winning CPD webinars, the courses are designed to provide deeper engagement with key topics with clear practical applications.

The courses are based on the same evidence-based and high-quality research approach that feature in the webinars, but material is more expansive, with quizzes and self-reflection built in.

Presenters are highly experienced professionals including nutritionists, dietitians, psychologists, academics and other world-class experts on specific subject areas.

The short course format means that significant development of understanding is possible within the duration of one or two days, with the pace of study set however the participant chooses over 12 months. It can be fitted in within working hours or outside. And a certificate at the end of the course, accredited by relevant industry bodies, provides confirmation of achievement for CPD purposes.

Two courses have been released so far: Recipe Analysis and Sustainable Diets and Nutrition.

Practical skills in recipe analysis

The Recipe Analysis course [Recipe Analysis 101], endorsed by the Association for Nutrition, helps professionals to develop confidence, knowledge and skills in the analysis of recipes, and learn how to utilise and effectively communicate nutritional, health as well as environmental benefits through clear labelling and marketing. It’s designed for those new to recipe analysis or those wanting to refresh on the latest knowledge and skills.

There are many uses for recipe analysis, including in nutrition and dietetics, food technology, public health policy, research, marketing and more.

Having the correct training in the subject is critical. The British Dietetic Association recommends that “recipe analysis should only be undertaken and/or supervised by experienced registered dietitians or registered nutritionists, who can appropriately interpret both the input data and the results, are aware of food regulations and the limitations of their software”.

The MyNutriCourses Recipe Analysis course helps educate on the crucial considerations and steps involved when calculating the nutritional content of recipes and environmental impact communicating the results incorporating nutrition and health claims and other legal considerations.

Nutrition and sustainability upskilling

The Sustainable Diets course [Sustainable Diets] endorsed by the Association for Nutrition and the British Dietetic Association, explores the fundamental principles of sustainable nutrition for human and planetary health.

Sustainability is a key area for organisations to upskill their employees in as they tackle the urgent challenge of climate change in their day-to-day operations. Understanding healthy sustainable diets is now an important competency for all dietitians and nutritionists and is increasingly being built into job roles and educational curricula.

Following the Environment Act 2021 and the Health and Care Act 2022,  legislation has set net zero goals for the NHS, the first healthcare system to have sustainability embedded. ‘Delivering a Net Zero NHS’ [] highlights the goal to be net zero by 2035, with procurement to be net zero by 2040.

Many other organisations have set their own environmental, social and governance which incorporate action on sustainable eating as appropriate, with dietitians, nutritionists and other HCPs contributing to these goals at all levels.

And the newly published Allied Health Professions (AHP) curriculum guide [Guidance education for sustainable healthcare] for environmental sustainability sets out sustainable healthcare guidance within UK pre-registration curricula for allied health professions.

There have been few easily accessible training resources on the topic available to date. The MyNutriCourses Sustainable Diets course provides a comprehensive and practical foundation in the topic.

It brings together leading experts across every aspect of sustainable diets, integrating planetary and nutrition science, together with behaviour change tactics and specific considerations such as low-income groups, athletes, children and the older population.

Make an enquiry

Group bookings for both training courses are available for organisations looking to elevate the nutrition and sustainability credentials of their employees.

You can find out more at  MyNutriCourses Email for details of group bookings.

If you’d like to read more from the team at Nutrilicious, visit our Blog page

The Future of Plant-Based

The Future of Plant-Based



Amy Culliford

By Amy Culliford

It’s been over a decade since the Food and Agriculture Organisation defined the term “sustainable diets”. Since then, many scientific publications and reports by international organisations have stressed the significant environmental and ethical impacts of animal agriculture as well as the negative health impacts of excessive meat and dairy consumption. This includes the ground-breaking Eat-Lancet Commission report, setting out the planetary health diet which has become the “gold standard” in the field of healthy sustainable diets.

Have we agreed what a plant-based diet looks like?

The idea that we need to reduce meat and dairy consumption has been steadily gaining traction internationally. Although it is recognized that one can achieve all the nutrients needed on a diet with no animal foods many are relieved to know that it is not necessary to eliminate all animal-based foods to benefit the health of people and planet. The term plant-based diet encompasses a range of dietary patterns, from vegan diets to flexitarian diets which include modest amounts of animal-based foods.

There is no one-size-fits-all diet but the consistent message is that we need to eat more plants and less animal-sourced foods.

The UK national dietary guidelines, the Eatwell Guide, is one example of a plant-based diet made up mostly of fruits, vegetables, wholegrains and starchy carbohydrates with a balance of dairy or plant-based milk alternatives, pulses, beans, meat, eggs and fish. In May 2023, the WWF published their report Eating for Net Zero setting out a healthy, sustainable and socially acceptable diet for the UK population, recommending further reductions in meat and dairy as well as higher standards of farming with less reliance on chemicals and better animal welfare.

Are we nearly there in achieving recommendations?

The short answer is that no, we still have a long way to go. A 2020 study found that those who meet five of the nine Eatwell Guide recommendations have a 30% lower carbon footprint and a 7% lower mortality rate, yet this is only one third of the UK . Reynolds et al modelled affordable, healthy sustainable diets for different income groups. All were able to achieve nutritional recommendations whilst reducing dietary carbon footprint by almost 60%, however this required substantial change from current diets.

The bottom line is that most of us are still eating too much meat and sugary, fatty processed foods but not enough plants. Still, we are seeing a growing interest in plant-based diets in the UK. According to a recent YouGov survey, 25% of the UK population now identify as either vegan, vegetarian, pescetarian or flexitarian, up from 23% in 2019. In the 2022 Eating Better survey a quarter of Brits reported eating less meat than the previous year and 61% said they would be willing to eat less meat.

What is the role of plant-based alternatives?

The food industry has responded to this plant-based popularity by developing alternatives to nearly every animal-based food we can imagine. New technologies are making plant-based meat, dairy, seafood and eggs more competitive in taste, texture and price than ever before. The European plant-based alternative market boomed in the last few years reaching a massive €5.8 billion. In the UK, the percentage of people consuming plant-based alternatives almost doubled between 2008 and 2019 (from 6.7% to 13.1% of the population).

On one hand this removes barriers to adopting plant-based eating, such as taste preferences and a lack of time and skills for cooking. But do these foods offer the same nutritional and environmental benefits as more traditional plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, wholegrains and pulses? Or are we just heading in the same direction of cheap, convenient but nutrient-devoid foods, only this time with a plant-based label?

The answer is, it depends! Plant-based alternatives can be a convenient and nutritious switch for anyone wanting to reduce or eliminate animal-based foods from their diet. However, not all products are created equal. Alongside more traditional alternatives to meat and dairy, we are seeing a boom in plant-based convenience foods such as ice-cream, pizza, and ready meals.

Research into the health and environmental impacts of these novel products is limited as most studies have focused on whole plant-based foods for their analysis. With new products constantly emerging into the market, policy makers, manufacturers and consumers alike need to stay on their toes to avoid spiralling in the wrong direction.

Is there space for plant-based “junk foods”?

As researcher Jennie Macdiarmid emphasised, we can’t assume that a plant-based label automatically makes a food good for us and the planet. Many plant-based convenience foods have a better nutrient profile and lower environmental impact compared with the conventional products they replace. However, there are also plenty of products on the market which are even higher in salt, fat or sugar and are lacking in other key nutrients. Either way, a diet packed with heavily processed plant-based foods is certainly not aligned with sustainable healthy dietary guidelines.

Whether there is any place for HFSS foods in a balanced diet, plant-based or not, is an ongoing debate. The current consensus is that they should be considered an occasional treat but not part of the daily diet, hence placing them outside of the main Eatwell plate. There is space for plant-based “junk foods” but we should continue to promote a diet of mostly whole, unprocessed plant-based staples and educate manufacturers and consumers alike on the importance of producing and choosing healthier plant-based alternatives.

Could fortification of plant-based alternatives be the answer?

Whilst we can certainly meet all of our nutritional needs via a well-balanced plant-based diet regular consumption of fortified foods and/or supplements is recommended for those who chose a fully vegetarian or vegan diet. Fortification of plant-based alternatives with key nutrients can facilitate the much-needed transition to more sustainable and nutritionally adequate diets. However, currently there is huge variability in the nutritional profile of these products.

Going forward, we need to see clearer guidance for manufacturers around fortification. Efforts have been made in the US to propose nutrient standards for plant-based milks, to ensure they are similar to dairy milk in terms of energy and protein content as well as levels of calcium, vitamins A, D, B2, and B12. However, further research is needed to clarify the role of these products in the diet and therefore which nutrients should be added, based on the needs of the population.

We also know that it’s important to move away from focusing on the nutrient content of specific foods and instead focus on the nutritional adequacy of the dietary pattern as a whole. As an example, the majority of UK adults consume well above the RNI for protein (0.75kg per kg body weight) and a modelling study of the “Eatwell diet” recommended a 24% decrease in protein intakes. Therefore, adding by protein to plant-based alternatives we may be missing an opportunity to achieve this recommendation.

We also shouldn’t forget that an omnivorous diet is also not necessarily a healthy diet. Deficiencies can and do occur in both plant-based dieters and meat-eaters alike. Overall diet quality and variety is important, no matter which diet we choose.

Can we really get everything we need from plants?

Researchers have proposed a Planetary Health Diet Index, based on the EAT-Lancet planetary health diet recommendations. A higher score on the index was associated with better dietary quality (in terms of nutrient intake) as well as lower carbon footprint. A clinical study of almost 100,000 French adults also found that greater adherence to the EAT-Lancet planetary health diet improved nutrient intakes.

However, there has been a recent criticism of the planetary health diet, suggesting that strict adherence to the diet may lead to deficiencies in iron, zinc, calcium and vitamin B12, particularly for women of reproductive age. The authors of this critique proposed a modified version of the diet with a higher proportion of animal-based foods (still lower than current consumption) and fewer high-phytate foods such as legumes and wholegrains, due to their potential to affect absorption of these minerals.

Springmann, who was part of the original EAT-Lancet commission, has since rebutted the study, highlighting that the modified diet could lead to an additional 1 million diet-related deaths per year compared with the planetary health diet. He also estimates that, if adopted globally, the diet would result in higher diet-related greenhouse gas emissions and land use than current diets and could double the food budget in low-income countries. The fact remains that global guidelines such as the planetary health diet are a baseline, intended to be adapted to suit national public health needs and local food culture and availability, as with the Danish adapted plant-based diet.

How can we facilitate the shift towards plant-based diets?

The Behavioural Insights Team report, A Menu for Change, offers evidence-based strategies rooted in behavioural science to drive the much-needed shift towards sustainable diets. The report sets out 12 recommendations for government, industry and civil society (including the public) to make sustainable food the easy, appealing, and normal choice. Suggestions include eco-labelling, taxes on high environmental impact foods, increasing availability and promotion of plant-based options in retail and hospitality and marketing them as a delicious, aspirational choice.

One absolutely necessary component of several recommendations is effective communication, which we dived deeper into in our recent scientific publication. As well as clear, consistent guidance on sustainable healthy diets, we need creative engaging campaigns that target and engage different population groups. This must be bolstered by policy to create a supportive food environment and a food system which makes the wellbeing of people, planet and animals a priority, as set out in Henry Dimbleby’s National Food Strategy.

Facilitating the shift towards a more sustainable food system needs collaboration across multiple levels Consistent and collective effort is needed to achieve a plant-based way of living.


Guidelines, surveys and key reports

Sustainable Diets and Biodiversity (2010). Food and Agriculture Organisation

Healthy Diets from Sustainable Food Systems (2019). EAT-Lancet commission

The Eatwell Guide (2016). Public Health England

Eating for Net Zero (2023). World Wildlife Federation

Dietary choices of Brits (2023). YouGov Survey

Cost and choice are key to sustainable eating finds 2022 public poll from Eating Better (2022). Eating Better

National Food Strategy Independent Review (2021). Dimbleby et al.

A Menu for Change (2020). Behavioural Insights Team


Research papers

Health Impacts and Environmental Footprints of Diets That Meet the Eatwell Guide Recommendations: Analyses of Multiple UK Studies (2020). Scheelbeek et al.  BMJ Open

Healthy and sustainable diets that meet greenhouse gas emission reduction targets and are affordable for different income groups in the UK (2019). Reynolds et al. Public Health Nutrition

The role of plant-based alternative foods in sustainable and healthy food systems: Consumption trends in the UK (2022). Alae-Carew et al. Science of The Total Environment

The food system and climate change: are plant-based diets becoming unhealthy and less environmentally sustainable? (2021). MacDiarmid. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society

Plant-based animal product alternatives are healthier and more environmentally sustainable than animal products (2022). Bryant. Future Foods

The Safe and Effective Use of Plant-Based Diets with Guidelines for Health Professionals (2021). Craig et al. Nutrients

The Potential of Food Fortification as an Enabler of More Environmentally Sustainable, Nutritionally Adequate Diets (2023). Grasso et al. Nutrients

International Analysis of the Nutritional Content and a Review of Health Benefits of Non-Dairy Plant-Based Beverages (2021). Craig & Fresán. Nutrients

Proposed Nutrient Standards for Plant-Based Beverages Intended as Milk Alternatives (2021). Drewnowski et al. Frontiers in Nutrition

Eatwell Guide: modelling the dietary and cost implications of incorporating new sugar and fibre guidelines (2016). Scarborough et al. BMJ Open

Nutrient Intake and Status in Adults Consuming Plant-Based Diets Compared to Meat-Eaters: A Systematic Review (2022). Neufingerl et al. Nutrients

Development and Validation of an Index Based on EAT-Lancet Recommendations: The Planetary Health Diet Index (2021). Cacau et al. Nutrients

Estimated micronutrient shortfalls of the EAT–Lancet planetary health diet (2023). Beal et al. The Lancet

Development of a Danish Adapted Healthy Plant-Based Diet Based on the EAT-Lancet Reference Diet. Lassen et al. Nutrients

Improving Communication of the UK Sustainable Healthy Dietary Guidelines the Eatwell Guide: A Rapid Review (2023). Culliford, Bradbury & Medici. Sustainability

If you’d like to learn more about plant-based diets and nutrition, find out more about the Sustainable Diets & Nutrition course offered by our sister company, MyNutriCourses.




























Case study: British Dietetic Association ‘One Blue Dot’ campaign in association with Alpro Science

Case study: British Dietetic Association ‘One Blue Dot’ campaign in association with Alpro Science

At Nutrilicious we love helping to bring about and manage innovative partnerships and campaigns for better health nutrition and planet.

This week we are sharing reflections on our role in  helping to bring about the British Dietetic Associations “One Blue Dot” Toolkit and Campaign.


Since Nutrilicious was founded in 2008 Sustainability has been part of our DNA. In 2017 we observed that Dietitians tended to advise clients about the importance of eating well, without considering the importance of sustainability. Their role in encouraging more sustainable eating was largely unrecognised.


To help create and deliver a UK-wide campaign to promote sustainable diets, educating dietitians, nutritionists and other health professionals and empowering them to support the public in improved diets for their health as well as the planet.



We worked closely with the British Dietetic Association (BDA) supported by one of our clients the Alpro Science and nutrition team to understand Dietitians knowledge gap and needs  with regards to sustainable diets.

We identified priorities for dietitians and other healthcare professionals, and barriers and motivators for citizens when it comes to sustainable diets.

As part of our research we carried out:

  • quantitative analysis, through a survey; and
  • qualitative analysis, through in depth workshops

Our teams unique expertise in partnership and project management, insights combined with our expertise in sustainable nutrition and PR allowed us to support the BDA and play a pivotal role in the creation of the One Blue Dot campaign and its ultimate outputs.

Launch Outputs

1.The BDA Sustainable Diets toolkit, a scientific report and toolkit which included six key resources, combining background information with practical ideas for helping change consumer behaviour:

  • Reference guide
  • Glossary of terms
  • Frequently asked questions
  • Meal swap ideas
  • Nutritional considerations
  • Other sources of key nutrients

2.Marketing, PR and social media

We developed and executed a strategic marketing and communications plan to raise awareness of the issue and promote the new toolkit.

We generated publicity and positive support from key influencers across the industry. Actions included:

  • Four articles in Dietetics Today
  • One Blue Dot website content
  • Sustainable diets webinar watched by over 1K dietitians, nutritionists and other health professionals across the UK and Europe, including trade bodies, NGOs and government representatives. Other attendees included representatives from INDI, BNF, PHE, Ireland Health Board and multiple members of the food industry
    • Social media posting, with reach of 327,000 and over 10,300 engagements at launch
    • Email campaign to the BDA, Nutrilicious and Alpro database, plus other networks.
    • Speaker platforms and information stands at key events, including BDA Live, Conference Food Matters Live and Primary Care
    • BBC Breakfast three-part programme on sustainability to include One Blue Dot


Key Results

  • First sustainability toolkit for Dietitians in the UK and globally
  • Forerunner to the Eat Lancet Review
  • Significant improvement in knowledge and awareness of sustainable diets amongst BDA members and non members
  • Dietitians of Canada inspired to create guidance for Canadian Dietitians
  • Working group and BDA members shared knowledge at national and international events
  • Raised the Alpro science and nutrition brand credibility, awareness and knowledge amongst Dietitians and other health professionals



One Blue Dot is schedule for an update. If you would like to align with this fantastic campaign and support this, please get in touch. We would love to hear your thoughts.



Eatwell Guide – New Rapid Review Published

Eatwell Guide – New Rapid Review Published

This month, we are pleased to see the publication of a paper that Nutrilicious were commissioned to create. While our nutrition and science team at Nutrilicious strongly believes that we must now update the Eatwell Guide we also believe that more focus must be given to communications of the Eatwell Guide. The new rapid review explores communications around food based dietary guidelines (FBDG), including the Eatwell Guide.  The paper has been published in the journal sustainability , authored by Amy E Culliford, Jane Bradbury and Elphee B. Medici. As a nutrition and sustainable diets communications consultant at Nutrilicious, Elphee was part of the core research team for this project.

Improving Communication of the UK Sustainable Healthy Dietary Guidelines the Eatwell Guide: A Rapid Review


In the UK, FBDG are reflected by the Eatwell Guide, developed by Public Health England (PHE), last updated in 2016. The Eatwell Guide replaced the Eatwell Plate and continues to define the government’s advice on a healthy balanced diet.  The visual guide provides a representation of healthy eating by splitting the food we eat into five food groups and shows how much an individual should eat from each group. The supporting guides that can be found on the government’s website include A colour Eatwell Guide PDF, Government dietary recommendations, The Eatwell Guide Booklet and A quick guide to the government’s healthy eating recommendations

Currently, only 0.1% of the UK population are meeting all nine recommendations provided by the Eatwell GuideImproving adherence is of upmost importance not only to improving health and reducing rates of non-communicable disease in the UK but also to supporting a reduction in the environmental impact of what we are eating, to help meet the UK’s targets in reducing greenhouse gas emissions (GHGe) by 68% by 2023, compared to 1990 levels.

The Findings

Key themes were pulled out as part of the review as being significant in effective communication of FBDG. The following five recommendations were made, with the aim of helping to improve adherence to the Eatwell Guide:

(1) Review of language and tone of nutrition and sustainability related messages

Short, simple, specific and easy to understand communications should be utilised, using an empathetic and empowering tone. Specific messages relating to sustainable diets should be recommended and incorporated into guidelines offering benefits for the people and the planet.

(2) Targeting of FBDG and communications to specific population segments

Communication needs to be tailored and appeal to different population groups including age, gender, cultural background and motivation style. Further research is warranted to explore factors which influence food choices within specific target population segments.

(3) Addressing barriers to and benefits of adopting the Eatwell Guide recommendations

Barriers need to be addressed to guide in effective communications. Barriers identified included taste preferences, cost, time and habits.

(4) Development of practical tools and resources to support implementation of the guidelines

Compared to other countries’ FBDG communication strategies, the UK is currently lacking in producing supporting resources to assist in the implementation of the Eatwell Guide. For example, portion size guidance for various population groups, healthier and tasty substitutions for unhealthy and/or unsustainable foods would be beneficial and also recipes and practical approaches to meeting FBDG.

(5) Leveraging social media and social marketing techniques to increase public engagement

Social media and the internet are a key target area to communicate to individuals.  The digital space should be utilised to form a key part of the Eatwell Guide communication strategy, alongside traditional media.

As can be seen, multiple elements need to be considered when communicating the Eatwell Guide to the public, health professionals and other stakeholders.

Moving On

The review provides such valuable lessons into the effective use of FBDG, including what has been working well globally. Research findings from this new rapid review can help to drive better and more effective communication strategies in order to promote sustainable healthy eating guidelines. Policy makers, the food industry and health professionals should use this to drive dietary behaviour change. The authors conclude that further research is needed in this area, with a particular focus on ‘research into the motivations, perceived barriers and preferred communication style for target population groups and a more detailed analysis of social marketing and industry strategies which could be adapted to promote sustainable healthy diets.’

“Healthy eating guidance including the Eatwell Guide need to be brought to life through a strategic and creative marketing strategy designed to resonate with different population groups and on a level similar to how food marketing is successfully done. Government needs to go beyond current guidelines and campaigns and embed this into an always-on public health strategy to make this happen. Those involved in such a strategy would benefit from the learnings in this paper” – Tanya Haffner, Registered Dietitian, CEO Nutrilicious


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